TCG_0505 ★
Thanks for the advise, guys
Here’s my rosters and thanks in advance
Thanks for tips guys, finally won after the whole day lol
Thanks everyone, I get through this finally after the whole day
Thanks guys. But it’s hard to not get any hits by venom
But how could be possible to not getting any hits by venom?
For mystery camps, I only have ghost rider and a 3*duped voodoo
Do not have Morningstar and the only mystery camp I have is ghost rider
If I go for long path I couldn’t have enough health to fight with venom at the end. If I straight to fight with venom my camps are not strong enough and would simply die with two hits
Stuck in 4.3.6. How could I possibly to win nearly 19k rating venom when I camps are not more only 3 to 4K?