
  • I don’t even want to ask my alliance for help anymore with arena champs because my game just keeps freezing every time I do
  • So why spend money or time grinding in this game anymore? I feel like any time the community starts getting comfortable and getting used to nerfs or war changes you pull the rug out from under us. Ive had to spend months worth of grinding to rank up crappy champs just to give them a fighting chance and now all that is for…
  • I ve done the science eq the last 2 weeks and still haven’t gotten enough shards to get one complete catalyst. What gives? It wasn’t like this a year ago. These eq’s have been stale for years now. Why not update them since these rewards seem totally outdated?
  • I haven't gotten my arena rewards either which sucks because I spent 3 days grinding my ass off for that Spidey! What's the deal Kabam? A guy in my alliance got his Spidey so I know it's not affecting everyone.