Do the Thronebreaker and Cavalier Deals have the same Nexus crystal?
Same thing happened to me. I was paying attention and bought the Cavalier package, then I bought Thronebreaker…didn’t get either nexus crystal! Double whammy!
Are you referring to the deal itself, where you actually purchase it? Because I’m talking about the “e-mail” that came in the Mailbox. The message clearly says “50x 6-Star Signature Stones”. I didn’t reread the actual offer because I already knew which one I wanted based off the description in the “e-mail”.
T•R•E iPhone7 iOS 14.0.1 Game Version 28.2.2 All modes Issue: Game crashes...abruptly. Completely exits the game with no warning.
I cleared two paths, went to 100% it, only for the game to tell me I used all my entrance passes.
No one, and I mean no one, would B&M over five 6* crystals. Don’t denigrate legitimate complaints to fulfill your desire to sound sanctimonious. The anniversary bundle COMPLETELY misses the mark whereas the holiday calendar is merely underwhelming. Asking $99.99 for a crystal containing obsolete champions (save 3-4) after…
In your first sentence, I think you meant to type “ANYBODY” instead “EVERYBODY”!
I wouldn’t spend $99.99 on a 100% chance for any one of those champions.
I threw up in my mouth when I read the champions. Complete rubbish. I wouldn’t spend $19.99 on that deal. That’s a 5 year kick in the rear-end!
Looks like you filled up. When you have openings again maybe look me up. Thanks, In-game: T•R•E LineID: tre73 Prestige: 10,214
He hit the lottery with these two pulls!
I opened 8 and got all ISO. I’ll just continue to let them build I guess. I never need ISO. A friend did pull 10 full refills and 1000 units from 2 it’s possible. I won’t be trading anymore in though.
Agree 100% Starhawk! First run was okay, re-rolled a couple times. Second run used tons of randomizers because the nodes were crazy!
Please please please fix the Sigal title badge notification from showing as new every time we login! PLEASE!!!
I just made my first run through Epic and I probably won’t run it anymore. The rewards don’t match the difficulty I faced. Being random defenders and buffs I know it may have been easier for some but for what I went through, no thanks.
I’m talking about every time I login there’s a red notification badge telling me I have a new title...Summoner Supreme. Every. Single. Login.
I thought I read that Dungeons run the last two weeks of each month. Well, there’s 14 days left in July....🤔 shouldn’t it have started up today?
Okay, thanks guys! I think that’s it. There are Buffet nodes
Does Buffet kill it? If so that could be it.
I paid real money for the gifting badge, I would like my refund!
[LGN-Λ] Leader is Hooch333 We are looking to add players fitting your exact description. We ranked top 50 in AQ running various days of Map 6 and we reached Rank 11P3 before several underperforming new members burned us. LineID - tre73
Watched Prof Hoff talk about AW Season 3 rewards on YouTube and saw that he pulled 20K t2a shards from the 3 crystals his alliance got for finishing in Gold 1. So I guess we just accept that G1 players can get more rewards than P3 players while playing at an easier level. Makes perfect sense! 🙄
Exactly Platypus. This reward allocation is the complete antithesis of the model that rewards those that put in the most work or spend the most. With this method an underperforming member could get 5x as many shards as the member that puts in the most work. i.e. the one that always boosts, takes hard paths, fights bosses,…
It should be a slap in the face to everyone that was on the low end that put in as much work as those on the high end. These aren’t crystals we chose to buy knowing the terrible drop rates. These crystals were the result of the performance of the entire alliance. A range of 11K-52K is absurd.
I understand that, but that’s not my gripe. The AW crystals aren’t crystals I chose to buy. They are rewards for how our alliance ranked. To see some members get over 50K shards and others get 11K, for doing the same thing, is just crazy.
Do you know what hyperbole means? Nothing I said was exaggerated. We had people in our alliance pull over 50k t2a shards and others pull 11K. That not hyperbole, that’s fact.