Task_master ★
It was 3:30, with a R4 55 Corvus. I was running on an iPhone X so that could have been the difference in loading times for anyone with a longer time than that.
What is naked suicides, is that none at all?
First 3* was Magneto First 4* was Moon Knight First 5* was Magik First 6* was Yellow Jacket
I’ll take 89/100 for not running any suicides and having not having a rank 5 Corvus
Where did y’all find the list?
I know I’m not the only one who keeps refreshing throughout just to see if they posted something
Are they going to release a list of the first 100 like they used to or when you know you know?
I noticed I didn’t get any of the cores back that I got from going through the mystic catalyst quests and the free ones we got from leveling up between level 1-60. Were those converted to Loyalty or Units as you saw fit or are they all just lost for good?
I got 3 hours and 30 minutes. I feel like that’s almost guaranteed right? This is my first legends run.