It'll be no use. It's like this. Kabam's driving with you and someone else in the car. Something smells funny. Kabam says you farted because you had burrito for lunch and kicks you out of the car. You know you didn't fart but you can't prove it. This didn't make into urban dictionary for no reason.…
That's very... umm... Kabam like. No explanations or proofs but just empty claim. Pointless isn't it.
There's no way Kabam would know exactly which other apps you're running on your phone just by playing their game. If they do, that'd be serious violation of privacy and illegal. All they do is "guess" at what other programs you may be running from your playing pattern and location. And this leads to a lot of unfair bans…
Fairness? Can you guess how the word "Kabamed" made into the urban dictionary? http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Kabamed
I was asking because it wasn't that definite. Below was from Kabam to another user. "We've investigated your account quite a bit, and the reason you were initially banned and then later had your characters removed was not because you used the BlueStacks emulator, but because you used a 3rd Party Application that modified…