
  • @winterthur your absolutely right. We got more players but stayed around 130k and once we hit 265k there was no going back, unless we loose player's. It's all about the alliance rating
  • @_ASDF_...... That was from Kabam and they explained the SA difference between alliances
  • That's true we we're at 13 but 13 strong. We all came out of 4 and 5mil allies and we would do SA from 55k to 130k and receive SA rewards. I've been playing this game for 2 years and I've seen different changes. Now we are at 22 and now we have to pass the 265k mark. The reason why I was asking is because it didn't start…
  • We we're getting SA from just passing the 130k mark and now we stopped getting the rewards for it, even the info bot numbers were off. We never had this issue before. We went from 55k to 130k to 265k. We always hit SA. This is the first time this has happened
  • @LeNoirFaineant I think that's what we'll have to start doing, I guess we now fall in a higher bracket, our alliance name is Symbiotes
  • We as in whole alliance @winterthur, we have hit the minimum and we have passed the 130k mark before and received rewards same for passing the 265k mark