That_Champ ★
Hyperion is the best option
Hey message me again in game. Sillyilly
Plz check is out! 54mil ally running Map5. Line app and AQ with regular activity are required. AW is optional (1-2Bg’s). Feel free to message me! In game: Sillyilly Line: sillyilly86
Laid back ally. We run map5 in AQ and 1-2bgs for war. War is optional. Contact me if you are still looking for a solid home. Line: sillyilly86 Game: Sillyilly
54mil ally. AQ REQUIRED. AW OPTIONAL. message me via in game or line. In game: Sillyilly Line: sillyilly86
54mil AQ focused ally that I think you would fit perfectly in! We are super laid back and helpful when needed. AW is optional. Line required for communication. Message me in game at Sillyilly. I will message you as well.