Thatweirdguy ★★★
Don't leave just stop spending. Getting awful champs is a big part of this game. There are still a lot of virtually useless champs in the game. The sting of pulling bad champs is lessened once you stop spending. Pulling bad champs is why I stopped spending and ever since I have enjoyed the game a lot more!
Do not let a corporate holiday control your emotions. That is weakness. If you are unhappy with your romantic situation then think about what you can do to improve that. Come up with a plan and implement it. It is much tougher to be upset about a situation that you are actively working hard on fixing.
These are same events they have been rolling out for years now. They can't be bothered to update rewards. I guess they figure that "they are basically free and the players should suck it up and not complain". They have updated the calendar rewards and taken away that horrible 6* shard Christmas arena so that sort of…
None of the above. Not even close.
It is repetitive and the worst designed and explained event they have ever done. I mean you hurt your rewards output if you try the other variants (spiderverse & avengers). I mean is that what they intended? Players who want to try the other variants hurting their rewards? Also as someone who explains things and issues to…
Weak calendar. But just like when I open 6* crystals....I have low expectations for this sort of thing and assume I will get garbage.
I think expiring items are inappropriate compensation. However, at least they released them just in front of some heavy content coming out. Giving expiring items sucks in general though but it is what they do. I did get a lot so that is good. But I am pretty sure I will be struggling to use these before they expire. They…
@"Kabam Miike" If you hold that featured 6* crystal in the superior summoner bundle can you use it on the new 6* featured crystal that is due in a couple of weeks?
The rewards do not scale to the difficulty. Nothing wrong with the content for the most part. But those rewards will look even more garbage 3 months.
Yeah I am confused. It seems like you can only get Herald rewards once even if you run it twice? The announcement made it seem like you could run it multiple times for rewards. I re-read the wording of the event and it is confusing.
Why wouldn’t that be fair? We spent units and resources getting through it. Getting compensated with things we don’t need and can’t use before they expire is unfair. If it was boosts and revives that did not expire that would be ok though.
Bravo Game team for acknowledging that act 6 was far too difficult for the rewards (even the buffed ones) issued. It was hell getting through it and cost a bunch of units. Please do players who went through that hell right. Please make the compensation adequate. Please do not have a repeat of of the Captain Marvel AOL…
The Nexus crystal is a great addition. The reduction in 6* shards is indicative of how the game team continues to over value rewards. You guys really need to revisit how you scale rewards compared to difficulty. There was no need to reduce the 6* shards. They aren't something that would imbalance the game compared to the…
Great work here. I guess there are some champs people could debate about but that is useless since your rankings are at least 90% accurate. They don't understand the economy of the game and how hard it is to pull decent champs. This is most recently proven in the original Act 6 rewards which they buffed but still not…
I agree Act 6 is such a grind that the rewards certainly need an update.
This is great. Thanks for doing this. I think the data would be more helpful if you just combined the last 2 garbage champ categories. Will you be doing this for 5*'s?
There is a drop rate algorithm that they use per their patents.
The very fact that they did not show it was equivalent to hiding from the average player. There is a reason people had to create calculators and other 3rd party tools
Well it applies now
Wow prestige is coming out of the shadows. No more hiding from players.
Yeah but their drop rates only state "guarantees a 6*" it does not say that there is equal chance for all 6*'s.
It is lame odds but that is how they want to distribute 6* champs. But you have 1 amazing champ and on very good champ. That is good considering how they prevent good drops.
It is account balancing and not pure RNG. But you ought not to complain since you have CMM
It is hard to believe that you have an equal chance for all champs. The drop rates just say 100% chance for a 6*. They don’t say “equal chance for each champion in the crystal”. Unless they change the wording I will continue to believe that they manipulate specific champ drop rates like those patents they have described
Most companies welcome customer feedback. Why don't you consider avoiding this thread if you don't want to see people commenting on the deal?
I am a capitalist and believe in the invisible hand of the market dictating things...but this is really off. Was it supposed to be a 6* crystal and someone messed up?
Oh man that sounds likely. if that is true then I suspect that this is one of those issues that won't get fixed 3 months plus :neutral:
Yes it is getting to the point that investing in 5* champs, other than a select few, is much less appealing
I've done 3 at BWCV, Dorm and IF.
It's Friday night everyone. Go to a bar and do something you will wake up regretting since the game is down.