TheEpicHedgehog ★
When you pull your first five star and its iron patriot
Yeah man literally 70% of the memes are about you.
I agree. I just don't like mystic and science that much.
Neither. Wait for a better 5*.
Is there any question?
It was more simple the old way but ok. Thx
So those don’t give circles/notices now?
I personally think Killmonger is better, because of his bleed, but Masacre is ok.
This is INSANE, except switch that silver surfer out for a ghost and I will literally faint.
Yeah thats deep. I guess I was wrong. Sorry all. Btw this is at the top of the forum? No wonder there are so many people hating on me.
Alright. I'm done. No more hate.
I'm confused. Letting people hate me is gonna make me decent? It'll depress me. Hell, I'm already depressed
Ok, enough hating. I'm sorry that I even started talking about it.
Coming from a 14 year old kid
Whelp. Guess I get people hating on me for bringing this up for the next week.
Okay sheesh. So how do I archive this??
Can someone tell me how to archive this?
Alright fine. Stop hating on me.
Ah yes. Now we can tell that you're completely incompetent. Bruh. Learn to spell
C'mon man. We all miss Chadwick and what he did. Just as an in memory of thing.
Looks like flamethrowers to me. APOCALYPSE (FLAMETHROWERS) FOR ALL!!
Yeah.... I mean only exploring part would be pointless. The whole point is to get 100% exploration.
Yeah... he should be way better with more unstoppable-ness and more epic-ness.
I think that if Apocalypse was retextured he would be better. I mean, I was expecting flamethrowers when I looked at the login screen. Guess what. No flamethrowers. Like for Apocalypse (Flamethrowers).
True. Just saying that some of these Kabam are just leaving as is, and it gets annoying eventually.