
  • OP, if you bought the very first T4B twice, then just don't buy the 5xT1A in the third row. This will then allow you to still buy the rest of everything else, including the final 5* Generic AG.
  • This is happening again. Was in the 6* shard arena and twice in a row against Winter Soldier the game crashed with Maw throwing an SP2. EDIT: I just tried this in a quest against classic spiderman and it didn't crash. So 3-30 2* maw against 3-30 2* WS in arena crashed twice but didn't elsewhere. This is on Android OnePlus…
  • This has happened to me at least twice now. The first time I thought I was just mistaken. This time I know for sure Ice Armor was active. It has always been on AQ Map 4 the first section, far right path, Hyperion. I was using a 4* 5/50 Iceman. What I noticed this time is that I don't think it is properly reactivating. If I…