Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • Your roster ceiling is where you're stuck. Even with good skill, someone with a moderately better roster can beat you. That's the #1 factor in matchmaking, NOT skill. It's not a skill-based matchmaking system, it's a roster-based matchmaking system. The sooner you realize that, the faster you'll accept that there's nothing…
  • Kabam will ALWAYS reward players who either (1) pay for progress, i.e spend units on buying crystals, bundles, etc. or (2) returning players, like with the new Iron Man bundle. An average FTP account will never get the same amount of rewards as someone who pays for progress. It's pathetic, that a skill-based gamemode…
  • I'm in Plat 1, and have 2 R3 6*s with about 15 R5 5*s as my strongest champs. I consecutively faced 3 Legend accounts with a huge roster or R5 6*s and R2 7*s. Like, how is this supposed to be fair? It's like asking a random person on the street to face up against Mike Tyson. Split the rewards, make leagues or brackets…
  • Why isn't the Off season period reduced to 1 week? If the rewards are being almost cut in half, shouldn't the off season time be cut too? It doesn't take long to find a new alliance, at max a 5 to 6 days. We were getting, based on the 4-week seasonal rewards, almost 10 seasons of rewards per year (9.6 to be exact), which…