The_Curd_Bros ★
Added you in game. If you have line you can add me at The_Curd_Bros
Yeah this is terrible design. They had to know it would be nearly impossible for middle lane players. It amazes me they either overlooked this or just didn’t care. Putting prowler in a mode where you are forced to punish specials but literally can’t is just to punitive. I guess you “can” punish 4 heavies but that is a big…
Yo. Let me know if you are still looking for an alliance. I can also be reached on Line at The_Curd_Bros or in game at The Curd Bros. Good luck!
Hmmm. Did you meet their requirements? That's all I can think of. Hit Haziday up. He/She will likely know what's going on.
There are two valiant players that have posted looking for a BG and AQ alliance and don't like war. This sounds great for them
Same here. We would love to have you, but we do War
Should say hello. Typo
What is your level, prestige, etc? That will help people decide. You can add me on line at thecurdbros. Best of luck!
I spoke to this person and they seem really awesome. We use line so it didn't work out, but a good alliance will be lucky to have them! Best of luck DCisWaaayBetter!
Message sent and in game request. Best of luck !
Hell. I added you in game. Do you have line?
Thanks @Garyag . I will add you on line. We typically look for Paragon+ and 18k+ prestige. We do add people that are lower looking for growth, but this season we are making a platinum push (we are 1-0 and in gold 1 now) so we are looking for a higher account currently.
Still looking for one more to join us. We have added several new great players and now will likely do 7-8 mil in BGS
I couldn’t find you in game. My in game is TheCurdBros and line is thecurdbros. Send me a message if interested
Still looking for one last player to fill out our team and have a great banquet event!
41,000 units!! We would love to add you. Is gold 2 higher than plat 1 ? :). In all seriousness I don't think you will have an issue finding a landing spot. Best of luck!
If I didn't have a fun group of people I play with I would join. This is legendary
We are gold 2 (soon to be 1, we went 8-4 the last two seasons). AQ655 (100% 6) Raids- 100% two maps BG - top 20%, no minimum Best of luck finding a new home!
message sent
My line ID is thecurdbros. Sorry for the confusion
We have one spot open if anyone is still intersted!
We have several individuals we are talking to. Thanks for the responses!
Sorry my line id is thecurdbros
I sent you a message on line. Lets chat. We use line for communication and do all game modes. AW- gold 2, AQ 655, Raids- 100% 2 maps, and BG's we do 5 mil as a team with several GC players. Good luck finding a new home!
Players found. Thank you to everyone who contacted.
Hit me up. We are perfect for you . I sent you a message in line.
We do map 6 and meet your other requirements. We do war at gold 3-4 but you only have to do 4 fights. I will add you in game .
Yo. We are an ally of mostly adults who play seriously but are chill. AW gold 3 (we do one assign lane to keep it chill) AQ 655 (no min) BG (no min) most members are 200k-400k with several GC players Raids -100% 2 raids We use line to communicate Hit me up on here , line at The_Curd_Bros , or in game at The Curd Bros
Still looking for 1 or 2. Preferably Valiant 18k+ prestige. Some people asked questions. Our avg BG score is 250-300k. We use line to communicate. Come join us