Tomstar124 ★
Rank 3 unawakened taskmaster to rank 3 5*......(my first 5/50 equivalent that’s why it’s big for me)
I can’t dex*
I probably couldn’t because I can’t decide but if your a skilled player then yes
Oh ok thank you
Ah yeah I see that now thanks I did t even know 2 star AGs existed 😂
As a player who isn’t the best but has completed act 4 that awakening gem came as a great surprise. I managed to awaken void who now has lvl 60 sig from sig stones I saved..... Thanks MCoC and merry Christmas everyone
I sure will only 7000 science fragments away from bringing him up to max rank
Can we have some content for my level please
One my my personal favourites to play as
***influced by tier list
Yondu his damage isn’t that bad bleed through block and a nice block profiency. But I only have 4/40s so haven’t got to play with many champs. At this rate I will rank 5 yondu over my sparky 👀
The new content is for a minority of players but then again I’m just salty there’s no immediate difficulty
I’ve never seen so many people agree on the forums this was brilliant @"Kabam Miike"
Only because she was my first 4 and 5 star
LC GR wolverine or vision imo
What was your team?
T4cc are my personal problem not gold it depends where you are in the game maybe try a different rank up strategy
Hawkeye to
When you get a 4* that you like playing as or worthy of rank up until then rank up your favourite 3*
By my calculations it’s 7 days 3 hours and 9 mins at the time of writing
Void best duped and cage or caiw unduped
That’s like going to a shop and asking can I have your most expensive item for free because it’s halloween.... You wouldn’t do it to a physical shop so why in a video game
Voodoo needs it the most but long for the long run maybe SW however can’t go wrong with either is personally choice voodoo
And people in alliance tier 1-5 are most likely to spend money imgame
I’ve just read his awakened ability is it a bit like star lords or did I read it wrong?
Even unawakened?
Domino not bad too 😉
Looks good I just passed 8 months what was your profession after 8 months?