Tonberry_king ★
I was doing arena fights using champions mentioned in the milestone. I checked back to test because I noticed they weren’t counting as spiderverse heroes were. The milestones were not at max and I used the correct champions. Only spider verse heroes were earning credit not sinister six and symbiotes as mentioned in the…
Are the leaderboard rewards based on region or global? (Global meaning only 1 person in the world will get the duped 5* thor, or regional meaning one person from every region gets the 5* dupe and top 1000 from every region get the 4* thor?)
You get a t-shirt for joining :))
still searching
Looking still, if you're active and want to run map 5 but can't afford the time for a hardcore alliance please hit us up. The most we want to run is 5x3 to keep everyone sane and not get anyone divorced.
Need 2 more 100k+ players :)
We are semi casual meaning you won't be kicked for missing event or donation goals. We want to progress to a 55533 alliance but want to keep a life first attitude for the game :)
Still looking
Still looking!
55444 at the moment. Sometimes 3 when AW is running
Still looking :)
Still looking
Need 1
Looking for 1 more, map 5 capable player who wants to grow but can't be in a hardcore alliance due to real life
Looking for one!
It would be something much shorter than that, able to be completed in less than 30 minutes similar to daily proving grounds quests. Encountering these nodes with greater frequency would be a better tool for learning and something to do for extra rewards. If you have constructive ideas about features that could add to or…
I believe it is because Vision's power burn is caused directly by his special where one of Voodoos power drains is based on if you use it during an odd or even combo to place a debuff on them that drains the power over time. Voodoos alternate power drain should still burn power from direct hits. I don't have him so I don't…
It helps to try to burn all your energy in the morning and again at night if you have time. Making sure your energy never caps is important to leveling and increasing your energy cap. [^_^]
Room for one more, looking for one more before AQ returns!
a great place for couples or siblings who play together, or any combination of 2. you would be in the same battlegroup [+_+]
Bump need that one special human still
Still looking for one!
What is the highest map you've cleared in AQ?
I know you casuals are out there!