This game has been around for quite a few years now and this isn’t my first account in this game and I’ve watched the evolution of the contest and seen people come and go and the reality is if you’ve only been playing for a year while the game has been out since 2014 why should someone at the year or so mark get a generic…
Can you message me in the line app? My alliance runs 4x5 and we’re gold 2 in war and really aren’t demanding. If you can message me on line and I’ll add you in game (my ign is TruckerDDD so look for the friend request)
To contact me message me on line recluze420 or my ign is TruckerDDD
I duped my venompool which is ironic because he was one of my aq champs until I finished leveling my Hyperion I finally pulled and once I had him to 4/30 I get the last of the ISO I needed so I duped the aq champ I was replacing and because of it got to prepare that champs replacement XD
Hey guys found a alliance
If you want to contact me either leave your line ID in the comments or find me on line:REcLUZE
And the screenshot against crossbones didn’t take >.<
Well apparently it is a big and only happens on road to the labrynth and occasionally on arena but it’s working for me again now but now I’m embarrassed for even addressing it >.<
Here I’ll go try another fight and take a screenshot and I’ll be back to post it
Yeah but it’s supposed to generate back after that gray clock timer finishes a cycle through right?
Profit wise it’s a smart idea on their end cause if people who rely on their unduped iceman in some form or another can’t get their ice armor back but they keep ice armor when he’s duped if they don’t have the mastery setup to finish act 4 and weren’t focused on clearing it then they would have to push through even if they…
So people would have to push through some of their content for a generic awakening gem just to be able to use him
Happening to me?*
Then why was the timer not even there? Can anyone try fighting with a unduped iceman and tell me if it’s just happening t
And even against quake she’s concussed my iceman before but the refresh timer always stayed on the screen but now there’s nothing >.<
Quake wasn’t the only fight. If anything the first fight I figured this out in was against collosus and you know he doesn’t have any utility to disable anyone’s buffs
Well I thought it was a bug too but I used him in 20 fights just to test this and not once did the refresh timer pop up