At about 175k points for last milestone, each members only needs to contribute around 6k points... that’s what 90% of my ally members put in... i myself contribute 7+k pts.... those 4 members put in just over 10k points to get over the requirement... so to say that the top4 spent 10fold to reach the milestone are just…
We all can see that it has requirement.... but that's kinda unfair... because all members contributed towards reaching the milestones, of coz some can afford to spend more, some can afford to spend less... nonetheless they all contributed to reach the milestones where without their contribution, the alliance might not even…
That's really unfair lol... so despite spending over 2k units and contribute close to 7k points for my alliance to reach the last milestone rewards, I won't be able to claim the last milestone rewards? I guess it's a way for Kabam to milk more money from us eh?
Same... haven't received mine too.. I hope they not gonna opt to just resend the rewards.... that way ppl who already received their mordo, would have duped their mordo easily.....