Two_Ices ★
Dude, thanks very much... I have been trying to figure out how exactly domino’s crit failure works and was hoping it was tied to her passive AA reduction, making Mephisto another champ to eliminate the crit failure. Guess not... thanks for the inte!
This must be the answer... I forgot about the honor rewards buff and checked it... we ran +40% physical resistance yesterday... thanks for the response! Corvus appears to be working fine today.
Yep, it’s node 5 on map 6... sp1 bias, unblockable sp1 and +100% attack... it also happened on node 17 with sp1 bias, +200% attack and aspect of nightmares... to clarify, those pictures were all from the same fight with storm on node 5
iPhone 7, IOS 10.3.3, latest version of game... was fighting winter soldier in Realm of Legends with 4* rank 5 winter soldier and I could not dash back or block in time to avoid a counter attack every single time I threw an L1 special.
iPhone 7 here... opened here mephisto featured crystals and got KK, OML and duped my WS... terrible terrible pulls... so far only one person out of fifteen or so has gotten mephisto