
  • Now I'm 50 intel short. And I dont even want none of that other junk. I do want the 30$ I spent on intel and they can take the intel off my account. MY CALANDAR SHOULDNT HAVE SAID I WAS GOING TO GET IT IF I REALLY WASNT
  • I logged in every day past 3 years. I did exact math to get 5 star awake gem. The calandar said I would get my last 120 intel. I was 1 hour away from getting it. And they did a emergency maintance and took it away.
  • I didnt get my last day intel from login calandar. Theres 22 hours left to spend my intel. I made 3 tickets. No response. If I have to spend my intel on junk I don't want and get cheated out of 5 star awake gem. I'll never spend another penny on this game..... if you guys arnt going to do anything. Atleast refund the 35$ I…
  • They literally did a emergency maintaince to screw us out of ARE last day intel. Even tho the calandar showed we was going to get it. I did the math and made sure I had exact enough for awaken gem... that's false advertismeant
  • Disgraceful.
  • I'm 50 short of 5 star awake gem. This is Robery. No excuse 4 this. Cheated me out of login calandar intel..... now I have 22 hours to either spend my intel on junk. I'll never spend another penny on this game. They should do emergency maintance and fix this. It's disgusting. They should atleast give me my 35$ back for…
  • This is just mindblowing