TypicalGamer ★
So does this confirm that we will get them at least by the end of today? Or would you be able to give us a rough estimate on when the manual aspect would be completed
That’s like saying it’s reasonable to be offered a premium hero crystal rather than a 4 star hero crystal because “you can’t look at its value based on what’s been offered before”. That’s what it feels like.
I said T4BC not T4CC. The offers are worse than 4th of July deals period.
The fact that you need to buy an offer that isn’t worth it to unlock the next deal is bs. Compare this with the 4th of July deals earlier this year, this is awful. And I’ve already mentioned that I have over 10 overflowing T4BC so I would have already ranked up champs if I wanted to.
Not only are the cash offers for cavalier underwhelming, the unit offers are awful for F2P players. Disappointment would be an understatement. Why on earth would cavalier players want t4bc as part of the 1000 unit deal? I already have 10 in overflow.
Nova and silver surfer
If you have a BWCV, i'd suggest ranking her up. She soloed the fight for me
@Obsidiman_Jones I'm looking for a more relaxed alliance where AQ isn't mandatory, but thanks anyways
@camolover I won't be able to run map 5 due to my activity but thanks anyways
4* Guillotine 5* Vulture 6* Civil Warrior
Path 6 is the shortest