Need 1 before AW season starts!!
Need 1 to replace week player.
Need 1 again. Need a solid player please. No flakes.
Need 2-3 if you are a small group, we can work with you.
Hey there. My LINE id is unclebenny83. We have 3 spots open right now. Looking for solid active players for AW Gold 1 and AQ 5X5.
Currently 2 spots available if you have a friend that needs in.
Need 1 more and we are full.
12 mil alliance looking for BOSS KILLERS!! 5x5 AQ, Friend request for inv. Unclebenny83 is LINEid.
Short 1 player again. Looking for skilled player who can take down bosses for map 5 AQ.
Need 1 more, gotta replace a slacker.
Looking for 1 more to fill final spot before AQ. Contact me ASAP!!
Just had a spot open up. Message me for invite ASAP!!
Spot just opened up again. Message me if you want in.
Looking for 400k boss killers. We need to replace a couple of weak links. Message in game or on LINE!!!
Missing 1 again. Hit me up in game!
Hit me up in game or on LInE. Missing 2 players now. Billy skid I couldnt find you in game.
Trying to fill up before AQ. Hit me up in game or on LINE!!
Merry Christmas everyone!! We have another spot just opened up. Player is taking a break. Contact me in game or on LiNe for details.
We have 1 player leaving in 4 hours if any are interest. Contact on LInE or in game.
We will be losing 1 tomorrow if anyone is interested add me in game or LINE.
Down 1 again. Looking for skilled players to help build alliance.
Looking for 1 more and we’re good to go. Must be solid player!
Looking for 2 very active and committed players.