
  • From my experience: Diablo (due to his healing) you can Aegon it but you gotta be on the ball and aggressive. Attuma (thorn dng) Shuri shines here. I heard Aegon+Unitman clears. Namor (you need to get to sp2 to get DOT on him to do ANY dmg on him) I ramped up Aegon on him and managed like 5-10% after like 4 revives.…
  • For the Jubilee/Stryfe path HT would be good for Diablo, Stryfe (to counter the miss/untouchable), and Sym Spidy. (You can dex and heavy into him even when invisible at 20 smolder). Stryfe is a slow but doable fight. It took me like 30+mins on it w/ HT. Tip if using HT, parry the sp1 his sp1 is so long that you're not…
  • My alliance has been hyping up Adam and Shocker. I was hoping for Prof X or Diablo (b/c I run the full suicide masteries) ending up with Shocker. So all things considered feeling pretty chuffed about that pull. Edit: misspelled Diablo maybe thats why I didn't pull em.
  • I don't like tune downs in general. I would rather they collect dust as 5* as legacy mvps. Where you can have newbies smash content w/ them. I can also just imagine a world where they get tuned down where there are threads here going "why Quake is overrated" or "[2024 Mystic champ] is so much better than 6* Magik". I like…
  • I like the idea of titan crystals they as many point out in this thread both make duping 7* more valuable but also prevent hoarding of shards. As to the content of the titan pool, IDK I feel they're good enough where you can appreciate them? I feel that the community tends to look at champs as either meta or trash, where…
  • Maybe I have old man memory but I the way I remember Quake and Ghost were the Herc before Herc. Any piece of act 6 content (even pre nerf) had a solution of some combination of Quake (or mostly Ghost). I remember that there were nodes in place to counter Quake's evades. A master Quake player can solo a good chunk of…
  • Is it possible? Maybe? IDK, All I will say is I spent an hour ish in (ACT 5 CONTENT) and got like 3-4 full energy and 7 lvl 1 revives + some lvl 2 health pots. It depends on RNG for every time I get 1 revive I also have 2-3 times where I had to run a path for 2 small energy refills. Not to sound like a shrill until we get…
  • Archangel as a 6* (went for quite a few class nexus for him) might actually ascend the 5* we will see. Galan (because Im a normie who LOVES using herc in incrusions) tho since I have a lot of cosmic 6* already I have settled for ascending the 5*. Immortal Hulk, Idk I just like his stun playstyle and he has a neat synergy…
  • Good question. Imo theres alot of good champs released this year be it in terms of design or gameplay. I like Morbius, and not just because of the meme, I expected him to be far worse given how they released him. I LOVE L. Deathstrike's attack animations I want her as a 7 star just for that. Though if I could only choose 1…
  • I feel like thats a tough question, how good are you at ramping Aegon? If you can do the 1st fights fairly consistently and get a good enough combo most of Necroplis can be done by Aegon. Full discourse I haven't done a run myself but based on the fights I've seen from KT, Pepe, etc. there are only a handful of fights that…
  • There are lots of videos of people showing him off but imo hes good not great champ. He's not roaster defining but he did help in my Carina Challenge run since he was the only one to be able to deal w/ miles. Since Miles was in a power shield node, Red Goblin was the only one able to connect b/c of his sp3 frenzy. IDK I'm…