Unfamously2Incognito ★
Device and Model: iPhone 7 plus Device Operating System: 11.4 Cellular or WiFi: Both, AT&T Issues happening during both Game Version Installed: 19.0.0 Game Mode: All available right now: AQ, Arena, New Quest Description of the Issue: Phone gets hot which begins to affect all aspects of game: lag, lost sound temporarily,…
11.4 iPhone 7 plus AT&T Wifi Phone gets very hot and crashes game
I've sent Kabam videos of MODOK doing things that he shouldn't: hitting his block (no shield up) and he just bounces away and either evades back or counters and hits you. Breaking combos (again no shield up) and even retaliating with a special in the middle of my special which should be impossible for any champ to do. They…
Shouldn't X-23 and Elektra armor break Iron Man Infinity War?
He should have some kind of upgrade.
Yes Urrymonster that's exactly what happened to me. He shouldn't be able to do that and he wasn't doing that until today. Just updated my iPhone so wondering if that has anything to do with it.
He's not supposed to do that. It's an auto-block. Once it expires he shouldn't be able to attack you or evade differently than any other champion.