
  • Thank you for your kind words Please remember you are never alone Remember one person can make a difference a group of people can make a change
  • Thank you
  • As I think about problems that affect impaired players as well as non-impaired player the hitbox comes to mind it would be nice to have some sort of bar underneath bar to indicate to the player if they’re inside that box so they know if their dex will count against the boss
  • That is a very interesting suggestion maybe the same thing could be done with a successful dex as a visually impaired player the number to know how many times the dex has been done successfully is difficult to see… and as we all know taking your eye off the opponent will result in a KO
  • Thank you very much If you take a look just above your comment you will see I attempted to kind of cover that information earlier…. but you are awesome for wanting to learn more
  • Thank you To try and answer your question it all comes down to just a visual thing a lot of people that are legally blind have trouble judging distance this can affect things like real life and games also a lot of the champions flashing moves make it hard to see what he is doing not to mention the speed at which he moves I…
  • Thank you very much yes that is my in game name
  • No special device I play using an iPad Pro it gives me a decent enough size of a screen to be able to see