Vladrik ★
Having the same exact issue.
Simple and effective. I know that’s a foreign concept around here but come on. Let’s make this as painless as possible.
Because Aq will start before then and then you know have to wait until end of next aq. There is no aq and aw that matters right now. Unlock the rewards for members to move and then payout whenever. Problem solved and no extra waiting for another week.
You know when aw season ends there is a recruiting blitz for a few days. After that the chats go quiet and it’s nothing recruiters talking to each other.
I think Kabam should allow members to leave alliances and still get rewards. Many of us are swapping members now that the season is over. Rewards need to be distributed today or allow members to leave and still get rewards so alliances can conduct the business they need to.
Contact Vladrik in game or Vladrik768 on Line App
Looking for 1-3
We are still looking for 2. Hit me up. Vladrik768
Depends where you are at in the game with skills and roster.