Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • Well great. Yet another BG season which I cannot play on my 2nd acc... This both sad and annoying. I can't for the life of me, find a reason why this would happen... Idk if anything will be done for this, at this point. Support was a dead-end and hence why I came here. Seems like this is too... @pseudosane Really hope you…
  • Hey @pseudosane By any chance, you have any updates?
  • Thankss
  • I have not broken ToS. And I have not done a single BGs match in this account ever. So, I don't know how I can be locked out. And this has been a issue i have had for 4-5+ months. So....
  • Thanks for pointing out that the link is not working... https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YZlxYnnlg4kGeVE0J3h7hlqtvt65DEam/view?usp=sharing This should work
  • Its Paragon now. But I have been having this issue since when I was Thronebreaker. My IGN: vsahishnu2
  • What aspect of the fight did you most enjoy? I loved how easy it is to understand the fight. I know there is a lot going on with the missions and special attacks but all of it is understandable for any new player (if they read it through). This fight was really enjoyable than many other ones in 6.2 and 6.3. What aspect of…