WikiLeaks ★
Not all events are for all players. Occasionally we like to release events for those who like to be punished and not rewarded. Everyone is also overlooking the 500 4* shards and 1,000 gold. This in combination with all of the other events we are running should allow you to pick and choose which events and rewards you want…
Didn't this end a day early?
He is only a problem on defense where he is spamming block unblock.
I don't recall it but that is at least rare / can close eyes or whatever. This is constant through the entire fight.
Anytime something is tweaked should not be a call for compensation. No one is forcing you to beat it on day 1. And no one is taking away your extra utility gained from having beaten it early.
They're hopeing to leave us begging for ga - mora.
Why would you want two?
You're gonna wish that they came out tomorrow after you see what's in them.
Considering what else is in the new incursion crystals.. It fits the theme.
They add challenging content and up the rewards. You gotta expect that some of it might be rough and challenging. You could have stayed with the old nodes and collected your same rewards.
Wars will look like this for a few matchups but eventually you will be fighting against similarly powered alliances.. As your rating goes down and theirs goes up. This is to be expected. Right now you are paying a price for all the inflated easy wars you've gotten for the past 2 years.
@"Kabam Miike" A lot of people complain about shell alliances.. and tanking etc. I'm happy to share my ideas with your team directly and fix these issues once and for all.
Fixing AW Matchmaking alone will bring an immense smile to my face.
6 t4cc. Cuz every cavalier player was looking to add to the hundreds of unused in their inventory.
If other game modes offered ways to progress the feedback here could be dulled. Event quests havent been updated for years and produce almost no end game resources. Daily solo / alliance objectives haven't been tuned for years.. The rewards or lack thereof for this content is just a symptom of the overall problem. They are…
Will there be a new title / progression based on completion?
War rating system already determines an alliances capability of winning a war. Not using it to matchup alliances makes no sense at all. This is an open and shut case.
The matchmaking should be based entirely off of war rating. This is what tracks your WAR PERFORMANCE. If you win you go up if you lose you go down. Will there be mismatches? Only if someone's war rating is drastically wrong.. otherwise these alliances have been winning or losing to get to this point. As for manipulating…