
  • Attacker is passively heal blocked in the fight, OP scrolled down too far in before taking the screenshot
  • Felt compelled to comment given I grind arena quite a bit 1. Reverting the milestone target of the basic to 4 million would be incredibly helpful, obviously the rewards offered will have to be reduced as well 2. Reduce the 2/3/4* arena back to 1.5 million to complete all milestones...or increase the number of units offered…
  • Literally just happened to my NF in AW...started fight in second phase
  • I signed up just to post this... 1. Pairing root with Combo Party? Just not a good idea. We haven’t seen the mechanic and the possibility of slipping up is high, and as others have mentioned, there’s no opportunity for a do-over in this month’s side quest 2. I thought devs were moving away from straight punishing nodes and…