Woodzzz30 ★
@goldenwanderer on line
Yeah I’ve looked, might just have to grind through it
Just feels like it’s limited opportunity, hope the side quests over the next couple of months help
Hi, im interested but im not near the sort of level for units there, but I’d be willing to purchase the units around Christmas when deals come out to make up for it, would that be an ok thing for you?
My line is Woodz30
Yeah mate we don’t want to use it sorry
Mines hard to put on here search the tag Lønër
We don’t use it right now but we would be willing to look at using it
Feel like I might be a bit under qualified with 215k rating but Im looking for high scoring aq to get up my 5 star warlock magneto ghost and black widow cv to rank 4 lol
Hi is there still room, I’ve added you so please lmk
What’s up bro you still lookin? If so wanna join us at the tag lønër
Heya bro search up the tag Lønër we’d love to have you aboard
Heya bro if ur still looking we’re looking for able officers to help us grow
Join “the mathinity stones”- please be 100k plus and on daily that’s all we ask
MSG me on here or request at “the mathinity stones”