Xxx6667 ★
Doc oc's mechanical arms
Yes. My first rank 5 was corvus a year ago and I still use him daily.
I duped my 5* domino and I duped my 4* rag hulk so far from the cav romance crystals.
I did 2 feature 6* after finishing act 6 and I got manthing and green goblin lol. Hopefully you have better luck than me.
This is a bit strange. Still no glory.
Why isn't corvus or the rest of thanos' henchmen villians?
Whale, free to play, gulk, imiw, rulk, trolled, rollover, and kabamed.
I really like that you can replace a champ mid quest. I hope that kabam keeps this mechanic once book 2 is released.
RIP Chadwick Boseman.
My duped 6* htd wants a buff. Lol I only have 6 6* and he is the only one that is duped.