Zoro_2 ★
when i play arena the game is automatic stop after 5 or 6 fights so some have face same issues in arena or dungeons???
I will try again and again one day i will get omega and domino thanks guys Anurag1606 and free to play_21 thanks for you are suggestions :smile:
Tell me one more thing who is the best option for rank 5 corvus undup or ghost dup i have both 5* rank 4 i explore act 5 with this two champ specially i use ghost for all hard path and corvus for boss
Yeah right guys patience is more important in this game lol thanks guys
what is you are suggestions guys
i am saying why i didn't got domino,omega red,star lord i have so many attackers champion this is good for play any hard quest but now i need defenders i can't join high alliance with low defenders that's why i feel sad when i got to join high alliance they say show me you are rooster i said ok when i send my rooster they…
i didn't get new and good champion in 5* crystals of last 6 months i have corvus,gwenpool,iceman,ghost.i am happy with this champions but when i play war and aq i can't play other quest because i have only 4 or 5 god tier champions atleast i need some few good champion i have so many basic and alpha tier i want use on some…
i think kabam don't want to use ghost synergy in act 6 because lots of people didn't get 5* wasp they have 5* ghost but they 4* or 3* wasp and it's enough for ghost synergy
game name: Dante_1 Device and model: moto g4 plus Device Operating system: Android 8.0 Wifi After 20 min game is automatically exits in arena and dungeons.guys anyone got same issues have in you are device. Kabam please solve this issues Thank you kabam
Hi kabam I have issues i play arena everyday but today i play arena and when i complete 6 fights after game will be automatically exit like stop,cruse so i think it's my handset issue so i restart my handset but i happend again and again so please solve this issue and lag issue too thank you and this is my favorite game i…