
  • You haven’t noticed anything wrong with the parry function? I immediately noticed that I was no longer getting that first kiss parry. I used to get it atleast every other fight and I haven’t got it once in two days....that’s just one of the problems
  • I hate to say it but it may be the only way to get the administrators to take it seriously. When the money flow slows down then maybe they’ll take the hint that a big portion of Kabams budget should be going to OS and making sure it’s working correctly. Kabam is not a new company and MCOC is not a new game so there’s no…
  • @"Kabam Miike" Pleae read post above....Thank you for all your help
  • Hello, I hate to be just another nagging voice but this is the first time I have ever posted a comment like this. I have been playing this game for years and am in a fairly high level alliance of players that have been playing this game for awhile as well. With that being said, I usually just shrug off glitches here and…
  • You would think they would be fixing this considering it’s their “hot fix” that created the newest issues. I can tell you right now I won’t be investing anymore resources into the game till it’s working correctly. It’s not fair to have to try to beat a broken game and I’ve been playing this game for years and am in a 10mil…