Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • It is funny, because on dexing his specials you get the energy resistance, but your physical resistance goes down. so if you get hit after that you get wrecked. I thought they might do a similar thing to Dani Moonstar where he special locks at sp1 or something, but so far Diablo(carinas challenger) and of course Herc (Hero…
    in SoS part 2 Comment by _SOVEREIGN_ May 29
  • So far the fight design isn't the worst. THE AI is awful though. it's smart enough to wait out the power sting. and for some reason is an intercepting god right now... I am literally only struggling because of that. the fight is fine, I can dex his sp1 no issue, but since they made his heavies unstoppable there are…
    in SoS part 2 Comment by _SOVEREIGN_ May 29
  • I get that the old characters get buffed before they enter the Titan crystal. To me it's not about how good the character is. I want a new champion as a 7 star. I literally pulled Luke Cage back to back from my last two titans. I don't care if he's good now, last thing I wanted to pull from hard earned titans is Luke Cage.…