aastikranjan ★
300 Units = 5% CC
Guy's Give Him 1 Star In Play Store. And down the ratings..
Bro i know they try to address though. But I don't have any units for purchase any banquet crystal. I'll spend 30k unit, my whole year savings. And i got 💩. What about it?
You are absolutely right brother
How many units did you spend brother?
Brother, what a joke has happened to you.
Bro I'll not open 20-30 Crystal. I'll open 100x SBC. I'll not talking about my choice or your choice. In drop rates there is showing about 7 star star titan Or 7 Star Nexus and key thanos kang Jessica Jones weapon x. In 100 SBC opening I'll not received any in these.
I don't have any units for purchase any banquet crystal. I'll spend 30k unit, my whole year savings. And i got 💩. What about it?
I'll Savings my units whole year for Banquet Event and i got 💩. Is this fair? Total waste of units.
I'll Open 100X Superior Banquet Crystal For Wasting 30k Units. And Got Only Catalyst Fragments And 7 Star Crystal Or Titan Shards. Not Received Any Type Of 7 Star Crystal, Key Or 7 Star Thanos, Kang, Or Jessica Jones. Not This Year Only Although Previous Year Also. Report To Kabam And Don't Buy Banquet Crystal.
Tire 5 Catalyst Salecter Not Given To Me...