It happens even with champs that are not symbioite, even intercepting the heavy attacks it does not reset it every time. https://youtu.be/6_FGhX_croY I saved this video to send it to support, with quake it worked normally, but in the other fights it didn't, and in the yondu fight I intercepted the heavy attack and it…
It seems like the non-defensive champs are the ones gaining the indestructible that doesn't dissapear, some alliance members have encountered this problem with Morningstar, Namor and other non-defensive champs
It can't be mystic dispersion either since there were no active buffs at the moment. It constantly gains power. if you look at second 18 my mephisto is gaining constant power no aura active in either of us, after second 27, his mephisto is gaining constant power no buffs or aura active.
Yes but if you see the video it happens after the aura of the other mephisto ends, even when there's no aura active at the moment.
Yes I had the same problem.