
  • i didn't even consider synergies, just replaced one champ on my main team lineup with 2* guilly because THERE IS NO INFORMATION WHATSOEVER ABOUT TEAM CONDITIONS FFS kabam are incompetent soulless ghouls
  • edit: fuckit, please save your time and effort trying to explain to me my head hurts and none of this nonsense matters because our alliance is fuct either way thanks for trying ! :smile: nb: our attackers killed more of their defenders, and our defenders killed waaaay more than theirs did - that should be the end of story…
  • i didn't say i was confused about diversity, just pointed out that it is unfair on alliances with fewer members :smile: the way AW is scored atm, any time we're matched with an alliance who has a bigger BG (which is almost always), we're pretty much fuxt :(
  • ahhhh, thanks ! ..seems more than a bit unfair when our alliance almost always has at least several fewer combatants than our opponents :( - same with the 'defender diversity' criterion !
  • unsure about that, but my main issue is with the 'attack bonus' and 'defender kills' categories ie: if the AB is based on how many times you lose, and our opponents had zero defender kills, wtf am i missing ??