amitrix ★
Night Thrasher synergy with Ghost Rider and Star Lord is surprisingly nice!
@Karuseus the Buffet of course! Thanks mate. Got too excited I guess.
1K 5* shards
same here. any update will be much appreciated mate @"Kabam Miike"
@DNA3000 that's one of the most elaborate and insightful posting on GR I've reads so far! Thanks for sharing mate. I only have a 3* GR maxed out so I usually pair with my 4* Blade for arena grinding. Kinda excited to try and see the judgments in different orders!
Well, even little updates like this is a progress and thanks for keeping us posted!
at least say something Kabam! we'll appreciate an update from you guys.
you think you got it bad? try Ant-man TWICE! my first and second 5* champs. oh yeah and then followed by Old Man Logan! this destroyed my faith in 5* crystals lol.
Thanks @The_One. Sucks big time mate but lessons learnt!