Added you in game @Kil63
@Waseem Hey mate sent you a friend request in-game. Do you have LINE?
EDIT: Donations are 27k gold 1.4k loyalty :)
This has happened on my iPhone 6s as well. Perhaps it is an iOS issue?
Hey Keshvin, we have 2 more spots open at our 3.2m alliance. AQ maps 4/5 weekly alternating with map 2s for AW. Add me on line if interested: hit.arc
Hey Alex - I added you on LINE! Let me know if you are interested!
Hey there Jesterj8/xwarxmachinex, just added u in-game! Let me know if you are interested!
Hey there! I’m an officer in [TDion] Team Destruction seeking for 10 members as well. Our average rating is 100k and run map 4 and 2 alternatively between attack and placement phases. Let me know if you’re interesting in merging with us or if you’re interested in coming and joining us! You can find me in game as…