
  • Lol. Nevermind. It's buffed up defender. Thread closed
  • This boss fight features buffed up node which prevents dmg from all source if attacker strikes with less that 3 buffs active on them. In the pic below my colosus does have more that 3 armor up buffs and yet no dmg. It works sometimes tho don't understand how or why. I tried with multiple champs and yet same conclusions.…
  • I am trying to explore act 7.2.2 when I stumbled upon this unpopular bug. The node which is supposed to apply disorient on defender happen to not function properly. The disoriant applied is weaker that expected and thus defensive ability not reduced to required amount. I managed to clear the first fight against invisible…
  • For that boss. Hyperion and I abom is good r5. However I personally would go with archangel provided he is duped.
  • 5* champs are irelavent in this new arena format. And it is obvious having a staked 6* roster for most players is not easy due to the limited resources. Most people have developed 5* roster for arena and therefore changing the meta is completely uncalled for . Please give back priority for 5* champs . I am a cav player at…
  • We need compensation units. I'm not going to waste my time grinding those impossible milestone. Btw I'm cavalier at the verge of becoming throne breaker, So my expectation to claim at the very least 70% of the units are valid.
  • I currently own 10 6* champs and I have finished act 7.1 the highest story content available. I am cavalier and trying to get t5cc for thron breaker. Previously Even tho there were 5 arena to grind for, with little bit of effort we could claim all milestone rewards. After the change with my limited 6* roster it is…