bigchungus21_ ★
It will most likely be the side event
I mean blade is overrated
Overrated: Ghost Underrated: Mister Fantastic
That's my second favourite node to fight
First 6*
Silver surfers sp2 against a wall
Nevermind silver surfers sp2
What!!! That's lucky
That's Nuts
my method is to make a hissing sound then regret my decision 5 minutes later
Mr fantastics sp2
What are the rewards
I play every S I N G L E day
hope fully I can get these and get uncollected
I was thinking about ranking up Emma
The problem is that the amount of opponents is a lot and I dont make it
rank up kanarak
Ignore the third in that message
he probably saw £500 with his name smeared all over it
his mouth is open this is not supposed to happen
I saw it too in game
it's ok I got past it
that is so cool
if I do get him I'll try to awaken him
I dont have 4 gulk but hopefully I'll get him from Atlantic rifts on tier 3 when they come out
post a clip plz
I'm stuck on 5.1.1