biggreendong ★
Hi, I'd like to move alliances after BG rewards but before the gifting event starts. Will there be a window I can do that so I am still eligible for the gifting event?
That's interesting.. I wonder how they are going about distributing them
Changes are not nearly enough.. had like 600k at the beginning of this season and I'm down to under 100k.. don't buy potions every war and I buy boosts when needed. Its not sustainable for anyone loyalty wise...
Ah, thanks mate, that would be amazing if it's the case!
Missed one point on blade week because I just didn't have time to complete it, and i'm not Paragon.. Does that mean the max points I can get are 15 and can't reach the 16 milestone so I've got to just do one solo objective to reach 12? I assume this is right but thought it is worth checking, if that week missing means I'm…
Same here.. Traded mutant to get a mutant which rendered the trade completely useless, why even make that an option? Just means some people get nothing from it which is pointless...
In-Game Name: Please include your in-game (not forum) name. Device and model: Galaxy S21 Device Operating System: 11 Cellular or WiFi: Both on Wi-Fi and on cellular data Game Version Installed: 31.1.1 Game Mode: It has happened fairly frequently in any game mode. Story, AQ, and I think also war Description of the Issue:…
@Fighter092 yeah he doesn't really need to be awakened I suppose. I might still awaken Spidey either way, because I don't really have anyone else to use it on.
Anybody? I'll open up 4*s before it expires if that's what will happen, but I really don't want to do it and be told we can get more? @"Kabam Miike" or whoever I should @
@TitoBandito187 some people make mistakes.. I had in mind that the end date was the 10th of June for whatever reason. Nobody is saying it isn't a mistake on our parts, but we are just hoping for an answer to if there will be any way at all we can earn enough to hit that last milestone. I don't think it's too much to ask…
If there is nothing that can be changed that's understandable but I'd appreciate a response from a moderator :)
Oh man that's even more painful.. That must have taken some grinding @VimesVonlip
@Akkii same:( I'd need just one more, no idea why I had 10th of June stuck in my head
@Al_AhadHKGN yeah I realised the 5* would take up too much time as well.. gold would be great