bloodywake ★
Yeah it always seems to happen right around 13-17 straight wins for me after I get to 20 they almost quadruple your team score if possible.
Seriously did you not watch all 3 of the videos allfrom the same device? Its not my phone. And before you start in on level this one and or that one go back to the second part of the original post. About not getting the materials needed to do so.
All those automatically go straight to my google cloud not saved to phone. And it has 25 gigs of memory available. And I clean my cache at least twice a day so that shouldn't be an issue either.
I know the nodes thats not the issue even when going straight at doom their isn't any node issues. As far as match up choices I have to work with what I have available to me. Cant just magically go and say I need this hero this rank right now and poof have it.
Apparently you missed the entire point of what the recordings was showing going on. And the 3rd vid showing the difference between them.
See there is absolutely no issues on other modes.
I have a samsung a 10 on T-Mobile network I can play any other place and it not do that.