bob52 ★
Updated my masteries as you suggested, so despair is now maxed
Don't have suicides. Cap is sig 64
Added above
There is no rush but my 5* luck recently has been pretty dire
Thanks everyone, will go for colossus
He is very strong but I just find he's pretty weak defensively so a few choice hits and his hp disappears
Any reasons why?
I also have Killmonger and Dr Voodoo 5* so could focus on them, just don't have zero Tier 2 Catalysts to use
Omega Red it is! Thanks everyone.
Should have mentioned, all champs are 4*R5
Thanks everyone
I'm basing this on the votes!
Pretty close results. Can't decide whether to wait for a better champ or rank up Spidergwen
I should probably add the rest of my team is Corvus, Archangel, CAIW and Gulk
I've only got a handful of 4* champs am struggling on the third fight. I don't have Havok, Magik or Omega Red. Any tips?
Thanks everyone
None are duped yet