bowser369 ★
Man-Spider (Science) Further mutation... Won't be human Signature move - Arachnophobia - He disappears into the foreground, as his opponent frantically looks around for him. Paralyzed in fear, the opponent is then tackled down and beaten, ultimately to be wrapped in a web cocoon.
Blackheart (Skill/Cosmic/Mystic) Black King Signature Move - Heart of Darkness - Blackheart summons a legion of lesser demons to overwhelm his opponent. Amidst the confusing pummeling, Blackheart delivers a fatal blow with his sword.
Onslaught (Mutant/Cosmic) That Which Shall Survive Signature Move - Astral Assault - Tapping into enormous psychic energies, Onslaught impales his opponent with psionic spikes only to then telekinetically rip his opponent into his grasp to deliver a concussive blast of energy.
Omega Red (Mutant/Tech/Skill) Red Death Signature Move - Omega Absorption - Omega Red unleashes an onslaught of his carbonadium tentacles, ultimately to subdue his victim and absorb their life force.
Shuma-Gorath (Mystic/Cosmic) Lord of Chaos Signature Ability - Cancerverse Chaos - Shuma-Gorath summons a horde of demons to do his bidding.
Blackheart (Mystic) Son of Mephisto Signature Ability - Darkforce Dimension - Blackheart teleports himself and his opponent to the Darkforce Dimension where he is omnipotent and omnipresent.