cade4560 ★
Bruh. As it stands right now ant man is the best of all champs here
If you’re an endgame player with no other champs to use it on and want to become invisible during incursions yes. But that also requires sig 200
I’m trying to figure out who cg is but I’d say guilly would be nice to have as a second robot and she doesn’t need to be awakened.
I wouldn’t do any personally. Wait for a better champ or until you dupe king pin. Angela and cap need max sig for utility and I personally don’t care for gambit or killmonger
I meant to say generic ag not aw.
Scarlet witch has the power to bend reality to her will, and correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t she already kill her with the whole “no more mutants” thing? I’m sure the answer will differ between different storylines and different ways you look at the question, but this is my opinion.
Caps a beast. He’s got a lot of utility and can help you 100% monthly uncollected easily.
Stealthy has a lot of utility and amazing damage. Also has great prestige if look for that.
I went for cav with similar level champs and was able to do it with about 400 units. Save up health pots and find a counter to crossbones and your in the clear.
Love my gwenpool, but I have to hand it to stealthy for the quick ramp up and reliable slow.
It’s really easy. Your void and stealthy should be able to get it done. You might run into an ice man, but sabretooth and infinity man are cold snap immune
I forgot to mention I don’t run suicides.
The other option is wait for a better champ. Idk comment if you think I should wait.
I only have a r5 4* hype but I still use him in uncollected and he melts through opponents. If I ever get a 5* he will be up to r5 immediately.
Thanks guys
All amazing options. You can’t go wrong