carvations ★
I’ve noticed the same thing…. That being said, would you consider a merge? Send me a message on Line? Darknation22782
We are looking for players! We have Line, but its not required, thought we highly encourage it. Search me in game Carvations or DarkNatioN. Line contact is Darknation22782
War rankings came out this morning and we landed in Silver2. Not a bad start considering we are only doing 1 BG wars. We added a couple new members yesterday to add to our Line community and hopefully we will be adding a 2nd BG for war soon. We are on our way, but we need your help to get there!
Hello, we are working towards that. Have a solid core of players and just need members. We get around 3500 glory each week and do war. Only 1bg war right now, but looking to add!
Still searching for more players. We got 3500 glory from last weeks AQ. We would like to get some more active players. Add me in game at Carvations or DarkNatioN
We don’t require Line. Add me in game Carvations or DarkNatioN