cheese21 ★
Ya I’m been level 60 for years, it didn’t change with this update
6 mil alliance score got top 5%
on thursday like it literally has always been
Preview is glitched
yes i know, if i finish it tomorrow do i have to wait 3 weeks for the solo challenge to complete
how relaxed is aq? you can message me on line(cheese21) or in game(cheese-21)
This happens at least once an AQ session, I use the horsemen ability and go in with Wolverine and I use him for a couple fights and then when I get back on later he lost his horsemen ability. This has been happening for a couple months too.
I just did this path yesterday, I used red hulk for like half the fights including the dark hawk
I have the same problem
It was air walker, iron man iw, and gamora
It was air walker, iron man iw, and gamora
I see