cpoq187 ★
Now is definitely the right time to join! We're 4 players short of running two battle groups for AQ. There is still enough AW Season left to place as well. If you're 5k prestige or higher and want to join a chill group, find Absolute Vortex in game or PM me here.
We don't. To date, we're pretty casual and stick with in-game. A few of us have discord and I'd lean that way if we get big enough to need that.
Still recruiting! Update: Started completing Map 5. Managed to accrue 28 million. Join Absolute Vortex to help get 30 million and beyond! If you're between 3k-5k prestige and want to be an up and comer and run a lower AQ map, please DM me or find us in game.
Looking for 1-2 more active players before AW season and another round of AQ starts. PM me, message in game or find Absolute Vortex and apply! Pitter Patter!
Looking for 1 more before new AW season starts..would be happy with 3-5 more. We achieved 20m AQ this past week with 8 accounts running map 4 and 3 newly formed alt accounts running Map 1. Nothing but opportunity ladies and gentlemen!
Still looking for 2 players. Currently running offseason wars to build up our rank given our newly formed status. Join in to help!
Absolute Vortex would be a great fit...pretty chill group, ready for Map 5 once we fill 2 spots.
Still need 2 to fill AQ and AW. Managing easy Map 4 clears with only 8....Map 5 should be no problem if we get 2 more. DM or in game.
Additionally, if you have an alliance of less than 10 people and are interested in merging, Absolute Vortex is open to that discussion as well. As Wayne says "More hands make less work....Pitter Patter!"
If you're willing to back off the expectations slightly, would love for your group to join our alliance - its newly formed with 8 strong accounts of people who have been playing together over a year. Goal is to recruit enough to get to the levels you're talking about. Check out Absolute Vortex in game. Send me a friend…
still time to get in before AQ! Request in-game now!
Still recruiting, PM if interested.
We are looking to add reasonably active players to a newly formed Alliance. Absolute Vortex is an offshoot of another alliance (VortexComics), formed for the players who had advanced a little further and wanted to recruit similar players. If you look past the fact the leader started the alliance with a low level alt,…
FYI - Leader started alliance with his alt and is ramping it up. Officer ranks are 734k, 716k, 706k and 485k with 4 others all in that range.
invite sent
Nope, no third party communication apps required. Pretty chill group.