ericong77 ★
Same here, can't do duel.
Why you bring juggernaut? For Captain Britain reverse control? You don't need him, just block her special.
Same here.
The claimable rewards only last for 7 days if not mistaken.
Just done right side last week, I used Herc, Odin and Omega Sentinel, Total 5 points (2021. 2022; House of mirror; Tech/Cosmic; Clarity and quest completion)
Have you try tap the Autoplay?
Same here. Still waiting.
I noticed something, if you are leader in your alliance, after enter and exit AW page, you will have these issues, back button won't work, won't auto fight.
Same here, need to force quit the game.
You are not alone, I'm using a lot of revive too. Bring in Prof. X, I don't have 6*, so I bring in 5*, it can be done with 5*.
Same here, I don't have 7 days solo event. TB account
Same here, no rewards.
Same thing happen to Android.
Same, got the most recent one but not the 4 days ago with 101k.
Same here
No, CNY is coming Sunday.
I tested my account, spend the glory until it drop to 9k+ point and claim the glory from last aq also getting the same message. I click go to store, I did see my glory point top up to 12k+ point and the reward is gone. Did you notice your glory point max at 15k point?
They lost in the multi-verse.
I thought you have to wait until the calendar reset then only you receive UC perks?
Same, have to use boost to prevent losing win streak.
Thanks, I didn't know doing practice can complete the quest.
I mean easy target to complete the quest.
Anyone know where to find easy target?
If come with Glory, then yes.
Not yet
Same here
No problem with Map 3. :D
Same here, I'm saving the keys until they fix it.
I did the legendary twice today. After 4th times beat the boss, I claim my T5CC. After the 5th times beat the boss, I got 1/4 for 2nd T5CC. Meaning you need to claim before doing for the 5th times.
The rewards are go directly into your inventory.