
  • No one in my alliance has received awards this week.
  • I just duped my 4* Gambit and ranked him up to maxed R4. His attack is great. His L1 and L3 stun. His heavy hit does good damage. He also has good durability because if he takes hits the damage isn't big. He's one of my favorite.
  • SW is my AQ killer. She doesn't regen like she used to, but she still does it at least one per fight. Her power drain, power lock, and nullify keep the attack going instead of having to bait out special attacks. Her L2 damage is brutal. She's still a top 3 for me.
  • The game seems to be getting hung up between screens. It sits for long periods of time with the wheel spinning but the next screen doesn't load. I've logged off, closed the game and restarted, turned off devices and restarted. Nothing works. Still happens a lot. I've never had this before, so it must be the new update.
    in Bugs Comment by firehead_22 June 2017