gmail_on_com4 ★
Œzuan has a double sword that is made by the same material as his armor and his class is combined
I'm just trying
Also this is different from the Wishlist threads And the other pictures I made will hopefully be added with œzuan and I'll make pictures of Wolverine X-Force and grand master
On the contrary I always read the comments oh it's you again Squishy 4TH_ was the first one to comment on my first discussion if you tap my icon you can find my first conversation wich was closed weeks ago
But œzuan is not from earth if you tap on my icon or search œzuan to find my first and only comment about œzuan on the character threads
Well I am Canadian
The Jessica Jones one I made yesterday the Doctor Strange (marvel now) One was the first one I created today
Here's some pictures of champions that are npc's that we'd like to play as minus Wolverine X-Force and grand master:
I agree strongly with the positive comments
Her are some pictures of œzuan: NOW here's the one with color:
One place could be the Atlantean rifts 5 other places could be The negative Zone, Liberia, The place where the thing got dumped i think it was called Yancy street, Warlocks home planet, and the place where the mission polar opposites is going to take place in did one of there missions once I was pretty good.
I've collected a lot of images ideas for the contest of champions please take a look at the champion title images:
Huh i thought the example would be bigger
OK here's the right Example for the Battlerealm
Here's an example of the Battlerealm
Mabey Ægon should have an Arch nemesis œzuan an (Organic-techno-Nano-Black ISO-8-virus-infection-Bound-Subject) or (O.T.N.B8.V.I.B.S) For short and he has Armor made from the tech and metal used make frome warlocks robot species wich gives him the ability to transform but his special Attacks are different from Warlocks…
Soooooooo if someone could do this it would a huge favor, also the name I'm thinking of for the quest is Dr.Dooms Day and the boss could be the one who obsorbes the powers of the champions Mr.fantastic and Captain Marvel rendering them weak and the Beginner to Normal title could be (Libreia Skrull's) and the strong Heroic…
Also i don't know how to make votes
Wich member of the cabal(Dark illuminati)is most likely to gain the powers of the hero champions mr.fantastic and Captain Marvel: Vote Redskull Vote Kingpin Vote Yellowjacket Vote Iron-Patriot Vote Joe Fixit Vote Punisher 2099 Vote Loki Vote Super Adaptoid(Hydra) New members: Vote Doctor-Doom Vote supergiant Vote Hobgoblin…
When the 3 members of the fantastic try to free mr.fantastic and Captain Marvel from their chambers they find Adam Warlock Captain America(Infinity War) nick fury and talos trying to free there Allie Captain Marvel from the cabal but they could be facing a much greater danger with the cabal stealing powers their power…
After the fantastic 3 members of the fantastic 4 try to find read they find 4 mysterious figures emerge it's Mister Negative Hobgoblin Doctor Doom and supergiant with the cabal they try to steel the powers of mr.fantastic and Captain Marvel's powers can the band stop them or will they be toast
Mabey pre-fight abilities should be able to activate in the battle arenas, and there should bexpect tier 6&7 iso-8 IN the Battlerealm and the goldpool crystal should be added to my collectors Vault available to purchase with UNITS or Crystal Shards and on July the greater Goldpool crystal can be purchased and has a chance…
Mabey one day there will be a boost that gives you the power of an infinity stone
Mabey Kabam is trying to like work them in you know for like Synergies,stories and stuff you know the normal stuff
You should just toughen up (NO OFFENSE)!
I believe that the black iso market should be available for those who have completed {act 4 and are level 40 and are proven} so please Kabam please accept my humble request do you known whow I am in the game I'm iron spider MK2
predicted champions either Mr.fantastic and DR.Doom or Adam Warlock,hob Goblin and supergiant.
Adaptoid (classic avengers) Spider-Man (PS4) Scarlet spider